Latest Publications
Reinhardt, L., Whitehouse, H. (2024). Why Care for Humanity?, Royal Society Open Science. DOI:
Larson, J., Whitehouse, H., François, P., Hoyer, D., Turchin, P. (2024). Moralizing Supernatural Punishment and Reward: A Response to Critics, Journal of Cognitive Historiography. DOI:
Newson, M., Peitz, L., Cunliffe, J. & Whitehouse, H. (2024). A soccer-based intervention improves incarcerated individuals’ behaviour and public acceptance through group bonding, Nature Human Behaviour. DOI:
Stojanov, A., Segal, K., Halberstadt, J. & Whitehouse, H. (2024) Psychological significance of name changes: A case study of (north) Macedonia's name referendum, International Journal of Psychology, 60(1). DOI:
White, C., Morales, D., Xygalatas, D., Hernu, M., Mathiassen, A., Ainsworth, A., Geraty, M., Bayindir, N., Robinson, B. & Whitehouse, H. (2024). How shared suffering bonded Britons witnessing the Queen’s funeral, Scientific Reports. DOI:
Turpin, H., Willard, A. K., & Whitehouse, H. (2024). American mental models of scientific versus theological prestige: a freelist analysis. Religion, Brain & Behavior, 1-12. DOI:
Whitehouse, H. & Tanguay, J. (2024) Anthropology in Action in Vanuatu: Troubleshooting Disaster Relief in the Wake of Tropical Cyclones Judy and Kevin. Anthropology in Action, 1-12. DOI:
Whitehouse, H. (2024) Against interpretive exclusivism. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. DOI:
Basava, K., François, P., Whitehouse, H. (2023). The Benefits and Challenges of Linked Datasets for Cliodynamics and Comparative Anthropology, Cliodynamics. DOI: 10.21237/C7clio14162506
Ebner, J., Whitehouse, H. (2023). Identity and Extremism: Sorting out the causal pathways to radicalisation and violent self-sacrifice, Routledge Handbook on Radicalisation and Countering Radicalisation.
Whitehouse, H. (2023) Rethinking ritual: how rituals made our world and how they could save it, Journal of the Royal Anthrological Institute. DOI: 10.1111/1467-9655.14048
Ebner, J., Kavanagh, C., Whitehouse, H. (2023). Assessing Violence Risk among Far-Right Extremists: A New Role for Natural Language Processing, Terrorism and Political Violence. DOI: 10.1080/09546553.2023.2236222
Whitehouse, H. (2023). The Role of Ritual in the Evolution of Social Complexity, In Jamshid J. Tehrani (ed.) et al, The Oxford Handbook of Cultural Evolution. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198869252.013.49
Ebner, J., Kavanagh, C., & Whitehouse, H. (2023). Measuring socio-psychological drivers of extreme violence in online terrorist manifestos: an alternative linguistic risk assessment model, Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism. DOI: 10.1080/18335330.2023.2246982
Whitehouse, H. (2023). Ritual, community, and conflict: reflections on the science of the social and its practical implications, Religion, Brain & Behavior, DOI: 10.1080/2153599X.2023.2186940
Jędryczka, W., Misiak, M., & Whitehouse, H. (2023). Explaining political polarization over abortion: the role of moral values among conservatives. Social Psychology. DOI: 10.1027/1864-9335/a000525
Turchin, P., Whitehouse, H., François, P, Larson, J., & A. Covey (2023). Introducing a special issue on the role of moralizing gods in the evolution of socio-political complexity, Religion, Brain & Behavior, 13:2, 121-123, DOI: 10.1080/2153599X.2023.2197316
Whitehouse, H., François, P., Savage, P. E., Hoyer, D., Feeney, K. C., Cioni, E., Purcell, R., Larson, J., Baines, J., ter Haar, B., Covey, A., & Turchin, P. (2023). Testing the Big Gods Hypothesis: a review and ‘retake’. Religion, Brain, and Behavior. 13:2, 124-166, DOI: 10.1080/2153599X.2022.2074085
Turchin, P., Whitehouse, H., Larson, J., Cioni, E., Reddish, J., Hoyer, D., Savage, P. E., Covey, A., Baines, J., Altaweel, M., Anderson, E., Bol, P., Brandl, E., Carballo, D. M., Feinman, G., Korotayev, A., Kradin, N., Levine, J. D., Nugent, S. E., Squitieri, A., Wallace, V., François, P. (2023). Explaining the rise of moralizing religions: a test of competing hypotheses using the Seshat Databank, Religion, Brain & Behavior, 13:2, 167-194, DOI: 10.1080/2153599X.2022.2065345
Turchin, P., Whitehouse, H., Larson, J., Cioni, E., Reddish, J., Hoyer, D., Savage, P.E., Covey, R.A., Baines, J., Altaweel, M., Anderson, E., Bol, P., Brandl, E., Carballo, D.M., Feinman, G., Korotayev, A., Kradin, N., Levine, J.D., Nugent, S.E., Squitieri, A., Wallace, V., & François, P. (2022). Big Gods and Big Science: Further reflections on theory, data, and analysis. Religion, Brain & Behavior. DOI: 10.1080/2153599X.2022.2065354.
Whitehouse, H. (2022). The Ritual Animal: A Response to Reviews. Journal for the Cognitive Science of Religion. Volume 8, Issue 2, pp 182–195 DOI: 10.1558/jcsr.23748
Ebner, Julia, Christopher Kavanagh and Harvey Whitehouse (2022). The QAnon Security Threat: A Linguistic Fusion-Based Violence Risk Assessment, Perspectives on Terrorism, Special Issue on Anti-Government Extremism.
Buhrmester, M. D., Cowan, M. A., & Whitehouse, H. (2022). What Motivates Barrier-crossing Leadership? New England Journal of Public Policy. 34(2).
Jong, J. (2022). Experimenting with Religion: The new science of belief. Oxford: OUP.
Ebner, T., Kavanagh, C., & Whitehouse, H. (2022). Is There a Language of Terrorists? A Comparative Manifesto Analysis. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism. DOI: 10.1080/1057610X.2022.2109244
Whitehouse, H. & Kavanagh, C. M. (2022). What Is the Role of Ritual in Binding Communities Together? In Justin L. Barrett (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Cognitive Science of Religion.
Turchin, P., Whitehouse, H., Gavrilets, S., Hoyer, D., François, P., Bennett, J.S., Feeney, K.C., Peregrine, P., Feinman, G., Korotayev, A., Kradin, N., Levine, J., Reddish, J., Cioni, E., Wacziarg, R., Mendel-Gleason, G., & Benam, M. (2022) Disentangling the Evolutionary Drivers of Social Complexity: A Comprehensive Test of Hypotheses. Science Advances. 8, eabn3517. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abn3517.
Baranowski-Pinto, G., Profeta, V. L. S., Newson, M., Whitehouse, H., & Xygalatas, D. (2022). Being in a Crowd Bonds People via Physiological Synchrony. Scientific Reports.
Jagiello, R., Heyes, C. & Whitehouse, H. (2022). Tradition and Invention: The Bifocal Stance Theory of Cultural Evolution. Behavioral and Brain Sciences.
Muzzilini, B., van Mulukom, V., Kapitány, R. & Whitehouse, H. (2021). Shared Flashbulb Memories Lead to Identity Fusion: Recalling the defeat in the Brexit Referendum produces strong psychological bonds among Remain supporters. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition.
Whitehouse, H. (2021). The Ritual Animal: Imitation and Cohesion in the Evolution of Social Complexity. Oxford University Press.
Whitehouse, H. (2021). From Conflict to COVID: How Shared Experiences Shape Our World and How They Could Improve It. New England Journal of Public Policy.
Turchin, P., Hoyer, D., Korotayev, A., Kradin, N., Nefedov, S., Feinman, G., Levine, J., Reddish, J., Cioni. E., Thorpe, C., Bennett, J. S., François, P., & Whitehouse, H. (2021). Rise of the War Machines: Charting the evolution of military technologies from the Neolithic to the Industrial Revolution. PLOS ONE. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0258161.
Atran, S. (2021). The Will to Fight. Science. DOI: 10.1126/science.abl9949.
Stanford, M., & Whitehouse, H. (2021). Why Do Great and Little Traditions Coexist in the World's Doctrinal Religions? Religion, Brain & Behavior. DOI: 10.1080/2153599X.2021.1947357.
Lang, M., Xygalatas, D., Kavanagh, C. M., Boccardi, N., Halberstadt, J., Jackson, C., Martínez, M., Reddish, P., Tong, E. M. W., Vázquez, A., Whitehouse, H., Yamamoto, M. E., Yuki, M., & Gomez, A. (2021). Outgroup Threat and the Emergence of Cohesive Groups: A cross-cultural examination. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations. DOI: 10.1177/13684302211016961.
Meng, X., Nakawake, Y., Hashiya, K., Burdett, E., Jong, J., & Whitehouse, H. (2021). Preverbal infants expect agents exhibiting counterintuitive capacities to gain access to contested resources. Scientific Reports. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-89821-0.
Coleman, T.J., & Jong, J. (2021). Counting the Nonreligious: A Critical Review of New Measures. In Ai A.L., Wink P., Paloutzian R.F., Harris K.A. (eds.), Assessing Spirituality in a Diverse World. Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-52140-0_5.
Newson, M., Buhrmester, M., & Whitehouse, H. (2021). United in defeat: shared suffering and group bonding among football fans. Managing Sport and Leisure. DOI: 10.1080/23750472.2020.1866650.
Reese, E., & Whitehouse, H. (2021). The Development of Identity Fusion. Perspectives on Psychological Science. DOI: 10.1177/1745691620968761.
Turchin, P., Currie, T., Collins, C., Levine, J., Oyebamiji, O., Edwards, N., Holden, P., Hoyer, D., Feeney, K., François, P., & Whitehouse, H. (2021). An Integrative Approach to Estimating Productivity in Past Societies Using Seshat: Global History Databank. The Holocene. DOI: 10.1177/0959683621994644.
White, F.A., Newson, M., Verrelli, S., & Whitehouse, H. (2021). Pathways to prejudice and outgroup hostility: group alignment and intergroup conflict among football fans. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. DOI: 10.1111/jasp.12773
Newson, M. (2021). High and highly bonded: Fused football fans who use cocaine are most likely to be aggressive towards rivals. International Journal of Drug Policy. DOI: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2021.103263.
Buhrmester, M., Zeitlyn, D., & Whitehouse, H. (2020). Ritual, fusion, and conflict: The roots of agro-pastoral violence in rural Cameroon. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations. DOI: 10.1177/1368430220959705.
Ebner, J. (2020). Going Dark: The Secret Social Lives of Extremists. London: Bloomsbury.
Jong, J. (2020). Death anxiety and religion. Current Opinion in Psychology. DOI: 10.1016/j.copsyc.2020.08.004.
Kapitány, R., Kavanagh, C. & Whitehouse, H. (2020). Ritual Morphospace Revisited: The Form, Function and Factor Structure of Ritual Practice. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B, 375: 20190436. DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2019.0436.
Kavanagh, C., & Jong, J. (2020). Is Japan religious? Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, 14, 152-180. DOI: 10.1558/jsrnc.39187.
Kavanagh, C. M., Jong, J. & Whitehouse, H. (2020). Ritual and Religion as Social Technologies of Cooperation. In Constance A. Cummings, Laurence J. Kirmayer, Shinobu Kitayama, Robert Lemelson, & Carol M. Worthman (eds.), Culture, Mind, and Brain: Emerging Concepts, Methods, Applications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kavanagh, C. M., Kapitány, R., Putra, I. E., & Whitehouse, H. (2020). Exploring the Pathways Between Transformative Group Experiences and Identity Fusion. Frontiers in Psychology, 11:1172. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01172.
McPhetres, J., Jong, J., Zuckerman, M. (2020). Religious Americans have less positive attitudes toward science, but this does not extend to other cultures. Social Psychological and Personality Science. DOI: 10.1177/1948550620923239.
Newson, M., Buhrmester, M., Xygalatas, D., & Whitehouse, H. (2020). Go WILD, not WEIRD. Journal for the Cognitive Science of Religion, 5.2 (2017/2019) 1–27. DOI: 10.1558/jcsr.38413.
Newson, M., Shiramizu, V., Buhrmester, M. D, ..., & Whitehouse, H. (2020). Devoted fans release more cortisol when watching live soccer matches. Stress and Health. DOI: 10.1002/smi.2924.
Newson, M., & Whitehouse, H. (2020). The Twinning Project: how football, the beautiful game, can be used to reduce reoffending. Prison Service Journal, 248.
Tasuji, T., Reese, E., van Mulukom, V., and Whitehouse, H. (2020). Band of mothers: Childbirth as a female bonding experience. PLoS ONE, 15(10):e0240175. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0240175.
Turchin, P., Whitehouse, H., Francois, P., Hoyer, D., … & Xie, L. (2020). An introduction to Seshat: Global History Databank. Journal of Cognitive Historiography, JCH 5.1-2 (2018–19). DOI: 10.1558/jch.39395.
Turpin, H. (2020). Catholic Scandal, the Referendum, and the Ongoing Reconfiguration of Irish Moral Stances. In “Making Abortion Legal in Ireland: A Forum on Gender and Democracy” Drazkiewicz, E. & Strong, T. (eds). Social Anthropology / Anthropologie Sociale, 2020, 0 (0), 1-24. DOI: 10.1111/1469-8676.12914.
Turpin, H. & Stanford, M. Cognitively Informed Ethnography: Using mixed methods to capture the complexity of religious phenomena in two ecologically valid settings. Journal for the Cognitive Science of Religion, 5.2 (2017-2019), 1-22. DOI: 10.1558/jcsr.38498.
Whitehouse, H. & Fitzgerald, R. (2020). Fusion and Reform: The Potential for Identity Fusion to Reduce Recidivism and Improve Reintegration. Anthropology in Action, 27(1), 1-13. DOI: 10.3167/aia.2020.270101.
Whitehouse, H., François, P., Savage, P., ... & Turchin, P. (2020). A new era in the study of global history is born but it needs to be nurtured. Journal of Cognitive Historiography, JCH 5.1-2 (2018–19). DOI: 10.1558/jch.39422.
Willard, A. K., Baimel, A., Turpin, H., ..., & Whitehouse, H. (2020). Rewarding the good and punishing the bad: The role of karma and afterlife beliefs in shaping moral norms. Evolution and Human Behavior, 41(5), 385-396. DOI: 10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2020.07.001.
Yustisia, W., Putra, I. E., Kavanagh, C., Whitehouse, H., et al. (2020). The Role of Religious Fundamentalism and Tightness-Looseness in Promoting Collective Narcissism and Extreme Group Behavior. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 12(2), 231-240. DOI: 10.1037/rel0000269.
Alderdice, Lord, J. (2019). Fundamentalism, Radicalization and Terrorism, Part I: Terrorism as Dissolution in a Complex System, & Part II: Fundamentalism, Regression and Repair. In Yakeley, J., & Cundy, P. (eds), Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Fundamentalism, Radicalisation and Terrorism. London: Routledge.
Alderdice, Lord, J. (2019). Ways out of Intractable Conflict. In Williams, R., Kemp, V., Haslam, S. A., Haslam, C., et al. (eds), Social Scaffolding: Applying the Lessons of Contemporary Social Science to Health and Healthcare. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Curry, O. S., Hare, D., ..., Whitehouse, H., & Macdonald, D. W. (2019). Cooperative conservation: Seven ways to save the world. Conservation Science and Practice. DOI: 10.1111/csp2.123.
Curry, O. S., Jones Chesters, M., & Van Lissa, C. J. (2019). Mapping morality with a compass: Testing the theory of ‘morality-as-cooperation’ with a new questionnaire. Journal of Research in Personality, 78, 106-124. DOI: 10.1016/j.jrp.2018.10.008.
Curry, O. S., Mullins, D. A., & Whitehouse, H. (2019). Is it good to cooperate? Testing the theory of morality-as-cooperation in 60 societies. Current Anthropology, 60(1), 47-69. DOI: 10.1086/701478.
Davey, J., & Ebner, J. (2019). 'The Great Replacement': The Violent Consequences of Mainstreamed Extremism. London: Institute for Strategic Dialogue.
Ebner, J. (2019). Countering (Post-)Digital Hate: What Can Civil Society Do? In Fielitz, M., & Thurston, N. (eds). Back to Front Truths: Opposing the Post Digital Cultures of the Far-Right. Columbia University Press.
Ebner, J. (2019). Replatforming Unreality. MIT Journal of Design and Science, 6.
Kapitány, R., Kavanagh, C., Buhrmester, M. D., ..., & Whitehouse, H. (2019). Ritual, identity fusion, and the inauguration of President Trump: A pseudo-experiment of ritual modes theory. Self and Identity. DOI: 10.1080/15298868.2019.1578686.
Macdonald, D. W., Johnson, D. D. P., & Whitehouse, H. (2019). Towards a More Natural Governance of Earth's Biodiversity and Resources. Conservation and Society, 17(1), 108-113.
Reddish, P., Tong, E., Jong, J., & Whitehouse, H. (2019). Interpersonal synchrony affects performers’ sense of agency. Self and Identity. DOI: 10.1080/15298868.2019.1604427.
Ross, R. M., Brown-Iannuzzi, J. L., Gervais, W. M., Jong, J., et al. (2019). Measuring supernatural belief implicitly using the Affect Misattribution Procedure. Religion, Brain and Behavior. DOI: 10.1080/2153599X.2019.1619620.
Stanford, M. (2019). The Cultural Evolution of Human Nature. Acta Biotheoretica, 68, 275-285. DOI: 10.1007/s10441-019-09367-7.
Vázquez, A., Ordoñana, J. R., Whitehouse, H., & Gómez, A. (2019). Why die for my sibling? The positive association between identity fusion and imagined loss with endorsement of self-sacrifice. Revista de Psicología Social. DOI: 10.1080/02134748.2019.1639343.
Whitehouse, H. (2019). Is religion good or bad for humanity? Epic analysis delivers an answer. New Scientist.
Whitehouse, H., François, P., Cioni, E., ..., & Turchin, P. (2019). Was There Ever an Axial Age? In Hoyer, D., & Reddish, J. (eds.), The Seshat History of the Axial Age. Chaplin, CT: Beresta Books.
Whitehouse, H., Francois, P., Savage, P.E., Currie, T.E., Feeney, K.C., Cioni, E., Purcell, R., Ross, R.M., Larson, J., Baines, J., ter Haar, B., Covey, A., Turchin, P. (2019) Complex societies precede moralizing gods throughout world history. Nature. doi: 10.1038/s41586-019-1043-4
Alderdice, Lord, J. (2018). Terror and Terrorism. In Akhtar, S., & Twemlow, S. (eds), The Textbook of Applied Psychoanalysis. London: Routledge.
Alderdice, Lord, J. (2018). Terrorism and the Development of Thinking on Human Rights. In Ferstman, C., Goldberg, A., Gray, A., Ison, E., et al. (eds), Contemporary Human Rights Challenges: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its Continuing Relevance. London: Routledge.
Apps, M. A. J., McKay, R., Azevedo, R. T., Whitehouse, H., et al. (2018). Not on my team: Medical prefrontal cortex responses to ingroup fusion and unfair monetary divisions. Brain and Behavior. DOI: 10.1002/brb3.1030.
Arrowood, R. B., Jong, J., Vail III., K. E., & Hood, R. W. (2018). Guest editors' foreword: On the importance of integrating terror management and psychology of religion. Religion, Brain & Behavior, 8 (1), 1-3. DOI: 10.1080/2153599X.2018.1411636
Buhrmester, M. D., Burnham, D., Johnson, D. D. P., ..., & Whitehouse, H. (2018). How moments become movements: Shared outrage, group cohesion, and the lion that went viral. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 6. DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2018.00054.
Buhrmester, M. D., Newson, M., Vázquez, A., ..., & Whitehouse, H. (2018). Winning at any cost: Identity fusion, group essence, and maximizing ingroup advantage. Self and Identity, 17(5), 500-516. DOI: 10.1080/15298868.2018.1452788.
Cho, P. S., Escoffier, N., Mao, Y., ..., & Whitehouse, H. (2018). Groups and Emotional Arousal Mediate Neural Synchrony and Perceived Ritual Efficacy. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1664-1078. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02071.
Coleman III, T. J., Jong, J., & van Mulukom, V. (2018). Introduction to the Special Issue: What are Religious Beliefs? Contemporary Pragmatism, 15, 279-283. DOI: 10.1163/18758185-01503001.
Crawford, J., Ebner, J., & Usama Hasan, U. (2018). The Balanced Nation: Addressing the Challenges of Islamist and Far-Right Extremism in the Classroom. In Panjwani, F., et al., (eds.). Education and Extremisms. London: Routledge.
Currie, T. E., Turchin, P., Whitehouse, H., François, P., et al. (2018). Reply to Tosh et al.: Quantitative analyses of cultural evolution require engagement with historical and archaeological research. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115(26), E5841-E5842. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1807312115.
Curry, O. S., Rowland, L., Van Lissa, C. J., ..., & Whitehouse, H. (2018). Happy to Help? A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of performing acts of kindness on the well-being of the actor. Journal of Experimental Psychology. DOI: 10.1016/j.jesp.2018.02.014.
Ebner, J., & Davey, J. (2018). Mainstreaming Mussolini: How the Extreme Right Attempted to ‘Make Italy Great Again’ in the 2018 Italian Election. London: Institute for Strategic Dialogue.
Feeney, K., Dirschl, C., ... François, P., et al. (2018). Use Cases. In Feeney, K., et al. (eds.), Engineering Agile Big-Data Systems. River Publishers Series in Software Engineering.
François, P., Grohmann, S., Eck, K., Whitehouse, H., et al. (2018). Evaluation. In Feeney, K., et al. (eds.), Engineering Agile Big-Data Systems. River Publishers Series in Software Engineering.
Gantley, M., Whitehouse, H., & Bogaard, A. (2018). Material Correlates Analysis (MCA): An innovative way of examining questions in archaeology using ethnographic data. Advances in Archaeological Practice. DOI: 10.1017/aap.2018.9.
Jackson, J. C., Jong, J., Bilkey, D., Whitehouse, H., et al. (2018). Synchrony and physiological arousal increase cohesion and cooperation in large naturalistic groups. Nature: Scientific Reports, 127. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-18023-4.
Jong, J. (2018). Beliefs are object-attribute associations of varying strength. Contemporary Pragmatism, 15, 284-301. DOI: 10.1163/18758185-01503002.
Jong, J., & Halberstadt, J. (2018). Death anxiety and religious belief: responses to commentaries. Religion, Brain & Behavior, 1-12. DOI:
Kapitány, R., Kavanagh, C., Whitehouse, H., & Nielsen, M. (2018). Examining memory for ritualized gesture in complex causal sequences. Cognition. DOI: 10.1016/j.cognition.2018.08.005.
Kavanagh, C., Jong, J. McKay, M., & Whitehouse, H. (2018). Positive experiences of high arousal martial arts rituals are linked to identity fusion and costly pro-group actions. European Journal of Social Psychology. DOI: 10.1002/ejsp.2514.
Manning, P., François, P., Hoyer, D. & ZadorozhnyV.,(2018) Comprehensive Geographic Information Systems. Science Direct, 119-144.
Moravec, J.C., Quentin, A., Bowern, C., Greenhill, S.J., Jordan, F.M., Ross, R.M., Gray, R., Marsland, S., Cox, M.P. (2018) Post-Marital Residence Patterns Show Lineage-Specific Evolution. Evolution and Human Behavior. doi:10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2018.06.002
Mullins, D. A., Hoyer, D., ..., Whitehouse, H., & Turchin, P. (2018). A Systematic Assessment of "Axial Age" Proposals Using Global Comparative Historical Evidence. American Sociological Review. DOI: 10.1177/0003122418772567.
Newson, M., Bortolini, T., Buhrmester, M. D., ..., & Whitehouse, H. (2018). Brazil's football warriors: social bonding and inter-group violence. ScienceDirect. DOI: 10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2018.06.010.
Peregrine, P. N., Brennan, R., Currie, T, ..., & Whitehouse, H. (2018). Dacura: A new solution to data harvesting and knowledge extraction for the historical sciences. Historical Methods. DOI: 10.1080/01615440.2018.1443863.
Rybanska, V., McKay, R., Jong, J., & Whitehouse, H. (2017). Rituals improve children’s ability to delay gratification. Child Development. DOI: 10.1111/cdev.12762.
Spencer, G., & Alderdice, Lord, J. (2018). Forgiveness, the Individual and the Conflict Society. In Hance, S. (ed), Forgiveness in Practice. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Turchin, P., Currie, T. E., Whitehouse, H., François, P., et al. (2018). Quantitative historical analysis uncovers a single dimension of complexity that structures global variation in human social organization. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 115(2), E144-E151. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1708800115.
Turchin, P., Whitehouse, H., Korotayev, A., François, P., et al. (2018). Evolutionary Pathways to Statehood: Old Theories and New Data. SOCArXiv papers. DOI: 10.31235/
Whitehouse, H. (2018). Dying for the group: Towards a general theory of extreme self-sacrifice. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 41, e192, 1-62. DOI: 10.1017/S0140525X18000249.
Whitehouse, H. (2018). Four things we need to know about extreme self-sacrifice. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 41, e192, 44-52. DOI: 10.1017/S0140525X1800208X.
Whitehouse, H. (2018). The Dark Side to Loving a Group. In Almqvist, K., & Linklater, A. (eds.), Nations, States, and Empires: Perspectives from the Engelsberg Seminar 2017. Stockholm: Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johnson Foundation.
Whitehouse, H. (2018). Why is a Science of the Sociocultural so Difficult? In Klostergaard Petersen, A. et al. (eds.), Evolution, Cognition, and the History of Religion: a New Synthesis - Festschrift in Honour of Armin W. Geertz. Brill.
Willard, A. K., Nakawake, Y., & Jong, J. (2018). The evolution of the shaman's cultural toolkit [Commentary]. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 41, e89. DOI:
Atran, S. (2017). Radical Islam and the alt-Right are not so different. AEON.
Atran, S., Axelrod, R., Davis, R., & Fischhoff, B. (2017). Challenges in researching terrorism from the field. Science, 355(6323), 352-354. DOI: 10.1126/science.aaj2037.
Brewer, J., ..., Turchin, P., Whitehouse, H., & Sloan Wilson, D. (2017). Grand Challenges for the Study of Cultural Evolution. Nature Ecology & Evolution. DOI: 10.1038/s41559-017-0070.
Curry, O. S., Mullins, D. A., & Whitehouse, H. (2017). Is it good to cooperate? Testing the theory of morality-as-cooperation in 60 societies. Current Anthropology. DOI: 10.1086/701478.
Davey, J., & Ebner, J. (2017). The Fringe Insurgency. Connectivity, Convergence and Mainstreaming of the Extreme Right. London: Institute for Strategic Dialogue.
Ebner, J. (2017). The Rage: The Vicious Circle of Islamist and Far-Right Extremism. London/NY: I.B. Tauris.
Ebner, J., & Selig Chauhan, L. (2017). Families Succeed Where Weapons and Security Fail. Centre for Mediterranean Integration (CMI), MENA Office of The World Bank.
Gómez, A., Lopez-Rodriguez, L., Sheikh, H., ..., & Atran, S. (2017). The Devoted Actor’s Will to Fight and the Spiritual Dimension of Human Conflict. Nature Human Behavior, 1(9), 673-679.
Jackson, J., Jong, J., Bluemke, M., Poulter, P., et al. (2017). Testing the causal relationship between religiosity and death anxiety. Religion, Brain, and Behavior, 8(1), 57-68. DOI: 10.1080/2153599X.2016.1238842.
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Deniz Salali, G., Whitehouse, H., & Hochberg, M. E. (2015). A Life-Cycle Model of Human Social Groups Produces a U-Shaped Distribution in Group Size. PLoS ONE, 10(9), e0138496.
Gaviria, E., Ferreira, C., Martínez, M., & Whitehouse H. (2015). Identity and the Developmental Origins of Fusion: An Exploratory Approach / La Identidad y Los Orígenes de la Fusion en el Desarrollo: Un Enfoque Exploratorio. Revista de Psicología Social / International Journal of Social Psychology, 30(3), 531-62.
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Buhrmester, M.D. (2013) Understanding the cognitive and affective underpinnings of whistleblowing. Dissertation.
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Mullins, D., Whitehouse, H., & Atkinson, Q. D. (2013). The Role of Writing and Recordkeeping in the Cultural Evolution of Human Cooperation. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 90(Supplement), S141-S151.
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Swann, W.B., Jr. and Buhrmester, M.D. (2012) Self as functional fiction. Social Cognition, 30 (4), 415-430.
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Turchin, P., Whitehouse, H., François, P., ..., & Collard, M. (2012). A Historical Database of Sociocultural Evolution. Cliodynamics: The Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical History, 3(2), 271-293.
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Atkinson, Q. D., & Whitehouse, H. (2011). The Cultural Morphospace of Ritual Form: Examining Modes of Religiosity Cross-Culturally. Evolution and Human Behavior, 32(1), 50-62.
Buhrmester, M.D., Blanton, H., and Swann, W.B., Jr. (2011) Implicit self-esteem: nature, measurement, and a new way forward. Journal of personality and social psychology, 100 (2), 365. DOI: 10.1037/a0021341
Buhrmester, M.D., Kwang, T., & Gosling, S.D. (2011). Amazon’s Mechanical Turk a new source of inexpensive, yet high-quality, data?. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 6 (1), 3-5. DOI: 10.1177/1745691610393980
Gómez, A. Brooks, M.L., Buhrmester, M.D., Vázquez, A., Jetten, J, Swann, W.B., Jr. (2011) On the nature of identity fusion: insights into the construct and a new measure. Journal of personality and social psychology, 100 (5), 918 –933. DOI: 10.1037/a0022642
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Atkinson, Q. D., & Whitehouse, H. (2010). The cultural morphospace of ritual form: Examining modes of religiosity cross-culturally. Evolution and Human Behavior, 32(1), 50-62.
McKay, R., Efferson, C., Whitehouse, H., & Fehr, E. (2010). Wrath of God: Religious Primes and Punishment. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 278, 1858-1863.
Whitehouse, H., & Hodder, I. (2010). Modes of Religiosity at Çatalhöyük. In Hodder, I. (ed.), Religion in the Emergence of Civilization: Çatalhöyük as a Case Study. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Whitehouse, H. (2009). Graeco-Roman Religions and the Cognitive Science of Religion. In Martin, L. H., & Pachis, P. (eds.), Imagistic Traditions in the Graeco-Roman World. Thessaloniki: Vanias.
Cohen, E., Lanman, J. A., McCauley, R. N., & Whitehouse, H. (2008). Common Criticisms of the Cognitive Science of Religion – Answered. The Council of Societies for the Study of Religion Bulletin, 379(4), 112-115.
Whitehouse, H. (2008). Cognitive Evolution and Religion; Cognition and Religious Evolution. In Bulbulia, J., Sosis, R., Harris, E., ..., & Wyman, K. (eds.), The Evolution of Religion: Studies, Theories, and Critiques. Santa Margarita, CA: Collins Foundation Press.
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Whitehouse, H. (2007). Towards an Integration of Ethnography, History and the Cognitive Science of Religion. In Whitehouse, H., & Laidlaw, J. (eds.), Religion, Anthropology and Cognitive Science. Durham: Carolina Academic Press.
Whitehouse, H. (2006). Appropriated and Monolithic Christianity in Melanesia. In Cannell, F. (ed.), The Anthropology of Christianity. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Whitehouse, H. (2006). Cognition et Religion. In Fussman, G. (ed.), Croyance, Raison et Déraison. Paris: Odile Jacob Editions.
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